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I have a reason to thank God, by Naomi Yiapas

May 29, 2018 | 0 Comments


My name is Naomi Yiapas. I was born in April of 1994 in a village called KMQ. I am the fourth born in a family of 9 (6girls and 3boys). I lived with my parents Mr. Yiapas and Mrs Pauline Yiapas in the village. My parents never took me to school. Instead I looked after cattle, took care of my younger siblings, and did household chores like fetching water, firewood and cooking for everyone, but from the bottom of my heart, I desired to go to school.

In 2004, at ten years old, my parents arranged for me to get married. They were given seven cows and Ksh.60,000 as my dowry. They were in agreement with the man wanting to marry me and a date was set for the ceremony. I never lost hope in God. I really wanted to go to school.

The big day came and on the eve of my wedding day people were gathered at my home. I was confused and thought that was the end of my life, but suddenly an idea came to my mind and I was ready for the consequences. In my mind, I knew I had to go to school and learn like the other children.

On the wedding day, I woke up very early. People were already preparing for the ceremony. I decided to look for help but no one bothered to assist me in any way. I sneaked to the forest and started walking trying to find a helper. I never knew anybody in town but I had faith in God. I ran along the way until I started seeing cars passing. I feared to stop any of the cars but one came and stopped where I was. I saw a Maasai lady; she called me and offered me a lift. They drove towards Kajiado. When we reached Kajiado Town, I saw a lady I knew from my village. I told her my story and she took me to the Childrens Officer in Kajiado. The officer took me to Kajiado Childrens Home. This is where my life began. I was warmly received and taken care of.

Despite my age, I started my education from nursery school at the home, then later joined primary school. After a year of me running away from home, my parents were informed that I was at Kajiado Childrens Home. They came for a visit. They talked to the administrator and I was called but I was afraid, thinking they will take me back home and force me into early marriage.

Later on, they agreed on me continuing with education and I was really happy to hear this. The management of Kajiado Childrens Home got me a sponsor who paid for my education and provided for my basic needs. I really thanked God for that miracle, but it was agreed that I should not be going back home during the holidays. It was arranged for me to stay with another family (Mr. and Mrs Parsakai). That family took me in like their own daughter and I greatly appreciated.

In 2012 I finished Primary School at the age of 18 years. I had a passion in business and with the help of Kajiado Childrens Home, I went for vocational training at Beacon of Hope Vocational Center where I registered for a Certificate in Fashion and Design. I also did a short course on Food and Beverage. I graduated college in 2014.

I am so thankful to God, because with the support of donors, Kajiado Children’s Home helped me buy a sewing machine and material to start up my own business at Kajiado Trading Center so I can support myself. I also want to thank them for helping me get my business license. During my free time, I joined a Bible School at Kajiado Full Gospel Church. This far I have reached, I can say that the Lord has been my helper.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Donors, My Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parsakai family and all the Staff of Kajiado Childrens Home for supporting me as their daughter from nothing to something and for helping me achieve my dreams. May God bless you all.

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